Price : $13.99
Brand : Vacu Vin

Vacu Vin Instant Pickler


Make pickled vegetables in an instant with the Vacu Vin Instant Pickler. After cooking a pickling mixture of seasonings and vinegar and letting it cool, simply pour the solution into the Vacu Vin Instant Pickler container which you packed with the prepared vegetables. Once the lid is firmly placed on top of the container use the vacuum pump to extract the air with several pumps. As the air is extracted, a vacuum is created, and the vinegar mixture is drawn into the vegetables, initiating the pickling process. The Instant Pickler is then placed in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight based on the recipe or your personal taste. Great for cucumbers, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, beets, ginger, onions, corn, okra, asparagus, celery, jalapenos, beans, Napa cabbage or other garden delights, and even hard boiled eggs.


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