Price : $289.95
Brand : Mauviel

Mauviel M’Heritage Copper M150B 6527.26 10.2-Inch Round Pan with Bronze Handles


Mauviel, a French household company developed in 1830 and also positioned in the Normandy community of Villedieu-les-Poeles, is the primary supplier of expert copper kitchenware in the globe today. Very concerned in the specialist globe, with over 170 years of encounter, Mauviel supplies a number of various lines of copper kitchenware to specialist cooks as well as house chefs that value the advantages of their high top quality items. Specialist chefs could testify that copper pots and pans is a crucial component of every pots and pans compilation as it is 2X a lot more conductive compared to light weight aluminum and also 10X much more conductive compared to stainless steel.


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