Price : $45.25
Brand : Happycall

Happycall Foldable Double Sided Pressure Pan (Medium : 10.8 x 9.6 x 2.1, RED)


1.Functional Pressure Magnets

Elements Promoting pressure inside pan as a one toch type

2.Stainless steel handle support pin

Elements connecting Pan and handle parts

3.Silicon Packing

Element preventing smoke and odor at maximum

4.Connecter and safety pin

Elements connecting upper pan and lower pan

5.Prominence part

Part in lower Pan contacting Silicon packing for making pressure while closing upper pan

6.oil drain receiver

External oil receiver collecting drained greasy oil from the upper pan during cooking

7.Functional handle

the ergonomic designed handle for easy handling and safety use

8.pressure exit

evaporate draining hole

This is an amazing product makes cooking easy,fast and less messy,best friend of any household interested party for sole distributorship,appreciate your favorable response


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